Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CHEAP light box for viewing negatives/slides

Tired of trying to hold those 35 mm film negatives/slides up to a light bulb or in front of the window to find what you want? Then you need to get a negative light box.
I know, they can cost hundreds of dollars and it isn't worth it for the amateur photographer.

Well, how about 10 bucks?

Look in the lighting department of most department stores for a small portable under the counter fluorescent light. They are usually about 14-16 inches long, will sit flat on a desk top, or if you wish, can be mounted on a wall next to your desk for quick use.

Depending on your eyesight, a small magnifying glass might be useful.

WATCH FOR an upcoming blog on copying negatives and slides as digital images.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Adventure photos

With the coming of each season, and the trip down every road, we can find photo ops in some of the most common places, as well as off the beaten path and even into remote wilderness.
These are some of those places depicted by photos taken by myself and wife Roberta over the years....hope you enjoy and perhaps become inspired.