Tired of trying to hold those 35 mm film negatives/slides up to a light bulb or in front of the window to find what you want? Then you need to get a negative light box.
I know, they can cost hundreds of dollars and it isn't worth it for the amateur photographer.
Well, how about 10 bucks?
Look in the lighting department of most department stores for a small portable under the counter fluorescent light. They are usually about 14-16 inches long, will sit flat on a desk top, or if you wish, can be mounted on a wall next to your desk for quick use.
Depending on your eyesight, a small magnifying glass might be useful.
WATCH FOR an upcoming blog on copying negatives and slides as digital images.
Gid on Ice 2
5 years ago
Alright that sounds great! But what are these things you call negatives? :)