On January 20, 1864, a detail of 44 men of the Fourth Arkansas Mounted Infantry Volunteers (U.S.) under Capt. T. A. Baxter, the brother of a future Arkansas governor, attacked Col. T. R. Freeman's Confederates, driving them from their camp at Lunenburg.
Four Confederates were seriously wounded and two were captured, along with horses and equipemtn. The Fourth Arkansas lost one man killed in the skirmish.
Most of the men in both forces were residents of Izard County.
On July 10, 2010, a group of Civil War re-enactors from Izard and surrounding counties, as well as central Arkansas, camped ont he grounds of the Lulnenburg Community Center for the weekend and performed two re-enactments of the famous skirmish in a nearby field that may very well look today as it did then, minus the power poles.
The camp included a gambler's tent, shown here, a surgeon's tent, various pieces of equipment accurate to the Civil War time period, including a field mortar, full sized canon, along with accurate clothing a firearms for the era.
It was a great time in spite of the near triple digit heat...there were some wonderful photo ops and my wife Roberta got a shot of a Union Soldier on horse back crossing the battle field that was printed out in sepia tone to imitate the old tin-type photos.
It was enlarged to 81/2 x 11, matted up to 11x14 in a polished dark brown faux leather mat, then framed in barn wood.
It looks awesome and I'll be posting it here for viewing soon, when we get it home from the Independence County Fair where it not only won a blue ribbon, but BEST OF SHOW!
Union cavalry
Gid on Ice 2
5 years ago